
Vierasjoukkue History

The beginnings of VJ was when a group of foreign and Finnish friends went to play football in the summer time of 2004 in Rantatie by the Näsijärvi lake. It was just a simple recreation activity that was becoming more and more popular, so that it gathered a lot of people from different backgrounds, i.e: from church, students, workers, etc.

After a year of playing between friends, all these people participate in the puistofutis league under the name of Vierasjoukkue in the spring 2005. The international team was integrated by Finns and foreigners from its beginnings, then finally on 2009 Vierasjoukkue becomes a registered association.

Our vision

We believe that sports play an important role in well-being and globalisation. We are aware that Tampere is an important hub for internationals who come to live, work or study. Therefore, our mission is to help new comers to integrate into Finnish society by doing activities they enjoy such as sports e.g. football, futsal, volleyball, etc.

Our association

Vierasjoukkue yhdistys ry (y-tunnus: 3067914-9) is an official association registered since 2009 under the means of integration, tolerance and friendship. We have experienced a significant growth since our creation reaching more than 120 registered members until now.