Futsal league 2020-2021

Vierasjoukkue is participating in the Futsal league (Harraste sarja-A) during the winter 2020-2021. The games will be during weekends at Raholan liikuntakeskus. Timetable for matches available here.

The fee to participate in the Futsal league is 80 euros, this includes the palloliitto fee, fields and referees.Please, make the deposit to our club’s account by 10.10.2020. Details below:

  • Saaja / Beneficiary: Vierasjoukkue ry
  • Tilin numero / Account number: FI57 1146 3001 1123 55
  • Viesti / Message: Futsal league harraste
  • Eräpäivä / Due date: 10.10.2020.


Since 2008 we have been participating in the futsal hobby league having great seasons. Starting from lowest group, made it up to the group A to stay for consecutive 6 years and finally we can shout out loud thatWE ARE CHAMPIONS!

Futsal Harraste-sarja Lohko A voittajat

We had a great futsal season where we had tough games against great teams and we managed to make 34 points in 14 games. We would like to congratulate all players who have been committed with the team from the beginning, especially to Dima (our goalkeeper) who was voted the Most Valuable Player of the season.

We also want to thank our coach Artur Nikitin who made us become a better & organised team on the pitch.

Thank you all for your effort, support and passion!

Vierasjoukkue ry