Futsal league 2020-2021

Vierasjoukkue is participating in the Futsal league (Harraste sarja-A) during the winter 2020-2021. The games will be during weekends at Raholan liikuntakeskus. Timetable for matches available here.

The fee to participate in the Futsal league is 80 euros, this includes the palloliitto fee, fields and referees.Please, make the deposit to our club’s account by 10.10.2020. Details below:

  • Saaja / Beneficiary: Vierasjoukkue ry
  • Tilin numero / Account number: FI57 1146 3001 1123 55
  • Viesti / Message: Futsal league harraste
  • Eräpäivä / Due date: 10.10.2020.

Futsal training 2020-2021

The futsal season finally is here and we are training every Tuesday and Wednesday at Pirkkahalli from 21.00 to 22.15 hrs until March 2021.

The participation fee for those starting in mid-November is 80 euros and it covers all futsal trainings from October until March (It does NOT include the harraste-sarja league games). If you prefer, you can pay for each single time, the fee for that is 4 euros which you can pay by transfer, Mobile Pay or in cash.

Please, make the deposit to our club’s account by 31.10.2020. Details below:

  • Saaja / Beneficiary: Vierasjoukkue ry
  • Tilin numero / Account number: FI57 1146 3001 1123 55
  • Viesti / Message: Futsal trainings 2020
  • Eräpäivä / Due date: 30.11.2020