Football season 2024 (Kutonen)

Our club will participate in the 6th division (Amateur league) this year. We are constantly looking for new players so, if you are interested, please join our trainings and get to know our team. We have a positive and multicultural group of players that love football.

For joining the 6th division, you need to get your own PELIPASSI (License) and pay the registration fee to our club. You can see all dates for the official games in our calendar (to be published soon). There will be 18 games to be played between April and September. Participants must attend training sessions (1-2 times a week). We also suggest you to buy an INSURANCE to cover you in case of injuries.

Registration fee:

220 EUROS (2 payments)

  • First payment: 110 euros (to be paid by 31.3)
  • Second payment: 110 (to be paid by 15.6)

The registration fee includes:

  • Palloliitto league fee and membership (does NOT include Pelipassi)
  • Referee fees
  • Renting field for official games
  • Renting fields for training (at least once a week from March until October)
  • Training material (e.g., balls, vests, cones, etc.).
  • First Aid equipment.

Payment details:

  • Saaja / Beneficiary: Vierasjoukkue ry
  • Tilin numero / Account number: FI57 1146 3001 1123 55
  • Viesti / Message: Kutonen 2024
  • Eräpäivä / Due date: 31.3.2024

Pelipassi (License)

In order to participate in the 6th division, you need to get a license (PELIPASSI in Finnish), it costs 50 euros and you can get it through PELIPAIKKA service (here is the link). We kindly advice you to get your PELIPASSI by 10th of April. If you have any problem to get your license, please contact us.

Vakuutus (Insurance)

We recommend you to take an insurance for sports. There are some insurances you can purchase from AON: SUPPEA TURVA 100 euros or LAAJENNETTU TURVA 290 euros. More information for insurances at Palloliitto page.


If you are only interested in playing for fun with us and participate in our training sessions, you are more than welcome! We always have guests players joining our trainings outdoors. The fee for guest players is 5 euros per time. The fee covers the booking of the fields where we have the training sessions. You can deposit the guest fee to our club’s account or via MobilePay.


You can get the team’s t-shirt with your own name, number and club logo for 35 euros. If you are interested in getting a new t-shirt, please contact Angel L.

Seuran ilmoitus

Vierasjoukkue yhdistys ry on vuodesta 2009 lähtien ollut virallinen urheiluseura, jonka arvoja ovat suvaitsevaisuus ja ystävyys. Yhdistyksen tehtävänä on integroida ulkomaalaisia suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan alkuperästä, uskonnosta tai kulttuuritaustasta riippumatta. Usein yhdistyksemme on ensimmäinen kontakti vasta Suomeen saapuneille ulkomaalaisille, jotka etsivät mahdollisuutta integroitua maahan urheilun kautta.

Seura edistää moninaisuutta ja monikulttuurisuutta, ja jäseniä on ollut edustettuna yli 25 eri kansakunnasta. Pyrimme myös olemaan suomalaisille portti päästä kosketuksiin muiden kulttuurien ja ajattelutapojen kanssa.

— In English —


Since 2009, Vierasjoukkue yhdistys ry is an official sport association registered under the means of integration, tolerance and friendship. The association has a mission to integrate foreigners into Finnish society, regardless of their origin, religion or cultural background. Often, our association is the first contact for foreigners newly arrived in Finland, who are looking for an opportunity to integrate into the country through sports.

The club promotes diversity and multiculturalism, and has been represented by members from more than 25 different nations. We also try to be the gate for Finnish people to get in touch with other cultures and mindsets.